What It Means to Do Journalism in the Age of AI: Journalist Views on Safety, Technology and Government

What It Means to Do Journalism in the Age of AI: Journalist Views on Safety, Technology and Government

50% report experiencing government overreach in the last year

This report addresses the information environment with a focus on four of the most pressing issue areas today, each of which deserves more research and conversation: definitions of news and journalism, relationships between news organizations and the government, technology and AI, and security and safety. While the report parses out these areas, there is a great deal of overlap, addressed across sections. 

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  1. Given the lack of consensus about what "Artificial Intelligence" encompasses, we use the term broadly to refer to "sciences, theories and techniques whose purpose is to reproduce by a machine the cognitive abilities of a human being." While there is no agreed-upon technical definition, it's helpful to consider examples like Large Language Models (LLM), which are "trained" on data to recognize statistical patterns and use those patterns to generate plausible text. These kinds of models typically have too many parameters to be fully transparent or explainable, even for their creators. ↩︎